Worker's Compensation Fraud: What You Need To Know

Worker's compensation fraud is a type of insurance fraud that occurs when an individual makes a fraudulent claim for a workplace injury or illness in order to receive benefits that they are not entitled to. This type of fraud can have serious consequences for both the employer and the employee involved. Here is what you need to know: What Is Worker's Compensation Fraud? Worker's compensation fraud can take many forms, including faking an injury, exaggerating an injury, or claiming an injury occurred at work when it did not.

Why You Need A Workers' Comp Attorney To Maximize Your Benefits

Are you wondering where to turn to after suffering injuries at work? Navigating the workers' compensation process can be complex for anyone who has never handled it. That's where a skilled workers' comp attorney comes in. They can help you get the benefits you deserve and maximize your payout. But why do you need a lawyer in the first place? Can't you just file a claim and let the insurance company take care of the rest?

Considerations For Deciding If You Need A Workman's Compensation Attorney

If you were injured at work, then you are probably being told by friends and family that you need to hire a workman's compensation attorney. However, whether or not you need to bring a case against your employer's workman's compensation policy depends on a variety of factors unique to your unique situation. If you are struggling to decide whether or not you need to hire a workman's compensation lawyer, here are some considerations to help you decide.

3 Major Advantages Of Joint Child Custody

The law recognizes different forms of custody. Each option has pros and cons, but joint custody has some significant benefits. Below are three of these benefits. 1. Less Burdensome Parenting may be a blessing and a joy, but it does involve some chores and responsibilities. For example, you have to: Prepare the child for school and help with their homework and school projects Take the child for medical examinations and take care of them during illness Feed and clothe the child Discipline and advise the child These responsibilities can be overwhelming if you have to do them alone.

What Is Happening With That Probate Case?

After a loved one passes away, probate must be attended to. The deceased's last will and testament are filed in probate court and the court processes the estate. To find out what could be happening with your loved one's probate case, read on. The Will is Filed Every state has rules about the time allowed to file the will in the county probate court. Since probate can take months to complete, locating the will and speaking to a probate lawyer should be a priority for the family.

How Your Personal Injury Attorney Will Help You Win Your Dog Bite Case

If you have been the victim of a dog bite, the first and most important step is contacting a personal injury attorney even before seeking medical attention. The attorney will recommend a reliable medical professional who can accurately diagnose you so you have medical evidence of your injuries. The doctor will also outline the severity of the injuries, as this will help the attorney support your personal injury claim. As you recover, your legal representative will navigate the legal system on your behalf, ensuring that you are fairly compensated for your injuries.

4 Ways Your Personal Injury Lawyer Can Help You Prove A Defective Product Injury Case

Have you been hurt by a product that was manufactured or fabricated wrongly? You have a case of personal injury due to a defective product, but proving it in court may be difficult if you can't find enough evidence to support your claim. Thankfully, with the help of your personal injury lawyer, you have several tactics at your disposal that can make all the difference between winning and losing your case: 

Avoid Contentious Court Battles With Your Estate

It's distressingly common for some families to tie up estate matters in court for years. This is not something that most people want to happen and it can be so easily avoided if you make the right moves now. Read on and find out more. Get Advice from an Attorney Estate attorneys understand all the ramifications of estate provisions and can help you create a plan that is clear, fair, and not as likely to be disputed in court.

Essential Information You Need When Facing the Risk of a Tax Sale

You're supposed to pay property taxes annually to the relevant authorities by the set deadline. Failure to do that has serious consequences, including acquiring and selling your property to recover the unpaid tax arrears. When you're in such a situation, you might want to know your legal options and the steps you need to follow to prevent complications in your legal process. An experienced tax sales attorney can take you through the procedure to ensure you know what to expect.

4 Problems You Avoid By Working With An Estate Planning Attorney

No one likes to think about the end of their life, but making some simple estate planning arrangements can help avoid big problems for your loved ones down the road. Working with an estate planning attorney is one of the best ways to make sure your wishes are carried out, and that your family is taken care of after you're gone. Here are five problems you can avoid by working with an estate planning attorney.