The Pre-Trial Steps In Civil Litigation

Anyone engaged with civil litigation as the defendant, the plaintiff, or an interested party needs to understand what the steps in the process are likely to be. Fortunately, the process outlined in American civil law is well-structured. In the broad stroke, here are the steps you can expect to deal with as a civil case moves forward. 1. Notification To be clear, litigation means someone is suing someone else. One of the first steps is for the plaintiff, the party demanding some sort of compensation or action to resolve a problem, to notify the defending party. [Read More]

Bankruptcy Actions To Take Before It's Too Late

When it's become increasingly obvious that your financial situation is not going to improve without drastic action, it may be time to consider filing chapter 7 bankruptcy. You can take some perfectly legal actions before you file that might have you getting even more relief out of the filing. Read on and find out about actions to take before it's too late. Is Your Timing Right? If you have moved from one state to another in the past several years, you may have some choices when it comes to bankruptcy. [Read More]

It Doesn’t Take Much for an ERISA Disability Claim to Be Denied

The Employment Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) of 1974 set minimum standards that employer-provided disability insurance plans have to follow. Unfortunately, insurance companies are not exactly eager to pay out any claims, despite ERISA's requirements.  It takes very little for a claim to be denied. Here are some of the most common reasons you may be denied the disability benefits you desperately need: You Don't Meet the Policy Requirements Some disability plans allow generous benefits to disabled employees. [Read More]

Why Do You Need An Attorney To Fight A Traffic Ticket?

It is always wise to work with a traffic law attorney when you face a ticket. While many people do not consider traffic tickets serious, it is beneficial for many people to pursue the case in court so that they can avoid losing their license, adding points to their license, or spending money on fines. Do you feel unsure if you need a traffic violation lawyer? These are a few reasons why this might be a good option for your situation. [Read More]