3 Questions About A Default Divorce

Are you planning to file for a divorce soon, and concerned that it may turn into a default divorce? Here are some questions you'll likely have about this legal process.  How Does A Default Divorce Happen? The divorce process works by one spouse filing the petition for dissolution of the marriage with the court system, and then that paperwork is served to the other spouse. The person being served papers is then given time to provide a written response to the court within a reasonable time limit. [Read More]

4 Mistakes That Could Affect Your Car Accident Claims

Car accidents are popular yet traumatizing, draining, and confusing. An accident can affect you physically and emotionally, and even deter your reasoning. Consequently, you end up making mistakes that may have an adverse effect when claiming your compensation. Here are four possible mistakes you should avoid by all means possible. Failing to Seek Medical Help It is not always easy to estimate the extent of your injuries since some of the effects of the accident do not manifest immediately. [Read More]

Seeking Legal Services To Beat A Speeding Ticket Charge

It is common to see traffic police pull over someone for speeding and proceed to write them a ticket. In such a situation, it is crucial to remain calm and consider your options. The consequences of speeding tickets vary depending on the facts of the case and the circumstances surrounding the arrest. While it is possible to pursue this course of action yourself, hiring a speeding ticket lawyer is a good idea. [Read More]

Key Things You Must Do If You Want To Apply For Disability Benefits

Suffering an injury that leaves you with a permanent disability can obviously change your entire world and outlook on life. While you might not be feeling great physically or mentally right now, you need to keep it together if you want to be able to receive disability benefits from the Social Security Administration. This is because filing for disability benefits can be a complex process that requires a lot of paperwork. [Read More]