Key Things You Must Do If You Want To Apply For Disability Benefits

Suffering an injury that leaves you with a permanent disability can obviously change your entire world and outlook on life. While you might not be feeling great physically or mentally right now, you need to keep it together if you want to be able to receive disability benefits from the Social Security Administration. This is because filing for disability benefits can be a complex process that requires a lot of paperwork. [Read More]

Exercises That Don't Necessarily Prove Intoxication

Roadside sobriety testing can consist of a number of practices. In most instances, however, they consist of several physical exercises followed up with breathalyzer testing. What some citizens arrested for driving under the influence (DUI) never consider is that few of the roadside tests are necessarily valid or accurate. The results they provide are bundled together with other things like the dashcam footage, bodycam footage, and any blood work performed after the arrest. [Read More]

Expunging A DUI: What To Know

Being arrested for driving under the influence (DUI) is both embarrassing and costly in a number of ways. If convicted, defendants can face thousands of dollars in fines and fees, lose their driving privileges, and even go to jail. The best way to avoid all of that is to avoid being convicted. To find out why and how you might want to hide your DUI, read on. Get Your Charges Dropped [Read More]

Common Types of Complaints You Might File Against an Attorney

All lawyers have written standards that they are required to follow. If you encounter a lawyer who you believe does not follow these standards, you may file a complaint and this might lead to an investigation. Depending on how the investigation goes, your attorney might even face a punishment. This is a great way to hold a lawyer accountable if you believe that you were mistreated. Dishonesty Contrary to popular belief, lawyers are obligated to tell the truth in many cases to avoid being disbarred or facing other consequences. [Read More]