How Does Liability Translate Into Compensation in an Injury Case?

Personal injury law is based on the idea that a liable party will make up for the damages they've caused by paying compensation to a victim. It's a fairly straightforward concept, but the execution can sometimes end up being a bit more complicated. That often leaves clients asking personal injury lawyers to explain how and why a proposed settlement is the amount it is. Let's look at how a personal injury law firm tries to translate the defendant's liability into the claimant's compensation. [Read More]

Where Is The Will? Choosing A Resting Place For Your Estate Plans

Being proactive and making a complete estate plan is laudable. It's so much easier on your loved ones when you've already made the decisions about how your property is to be disbursed, your burial plans, and other important estate tasks. Having a good plan may not be enough, though. You will need to ensure that your loved ones can easily access what they need to make your final arraignments and administer your estate. [Read More]

3 Common Probate Issues And How A Lawyer Will Help You Resolve Them

Losing a loved one or watching them become incapacitated and unable to make crucial decisions can be devastating. The problem can become complicated when the person has a large estate and several dependents. Typically, people write wills to detail how their property will be shared when they pass on. However, sometimes family members will express dissatisfaction with the will and even try challenging it. When these problems arise, you may need the assistance of a lawyer to sort the matter out. [Read More]

Facing A DUI Charge? These Defense Strategies May Help

DUI charges can be rather complex, and each charge has its own set of unique circumstances that surround it. When charged, you are probably going to be stressed and unnerved. After all, your reputation is at risk, as well as your job status, your criminal record, and your future. The good news is that the DUI charge is not set in stone. It is possible to avoid the charge and its associated penalties with the right defense. [Read More]